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Welcome to First Baptist Oppelo!  

Sunday School 9:00am  Worship 10:00am  Sunday evening 5:00pm

Wednesday Services 6:30pm



First Baptist Oppelo is made up of people that understand their need for the Savior and the need to gather together often to be encouraged and equipped to better love and serve this wonderful Savior!  

We believe and teach the Bible as the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God and Sunday morning sermons are typically verse by verse and last around 30-45 minutes. 

Our worship style is best described as blended as we sing hymns with the piano and contemporary worship songs with the praise band.  One member has said "if you don't like the style of music just wait a song or two because it's probably about to change!"

Our fashion is rather relaxed.  Some folks will be in jeans, others in slacks and dresses, and in the summer you may even find a few folks in shorts and sandals.  Basically just wear something decent that doesn't distract others and your good.  We are more concerned about your presence than we are your fashion!

We have Sunday School classes for all ages and nursery is provided during Sunday School, Sunday morning worship, and Wednesday evening services.  We also have a children's church for ages 3-5 years old that takes place during the morning worship hour.

If you have any questions or are in need of a ride to our services please contact us at 501-354-0045.  May God bless you and we hope to see you soon!